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alienjax @alienjax
alienjax @alienjax
Friday at 10am is when badge pick-up starts
Badge Pick Up Availability

venbluefrost @venbluefrost
Badge Pick Up Availability
venbluefrost @venbluefrost
When are badge picks able to be picked up because my friend and I wanted to get ours this Saturday but our other friend said we wouldn't be able to get our badges because the place wont let us?? Please can someone help! Thank you!

venbluefrost @venbluefrost Is it different if we are only going for one day?

alienjax @alienjax
alienjax @alienjax
my friendgroup are all in their early - mid 20s ! I'm 23
Adult Homies who are POC?

J @jonrueda
commented on
Adult Homies who are POC?
J @jonrueda
What the group's the age group though?

alienjax @alienjax
alienjax @alienjax
Yay!! I’ll be attending AMW all three days. DM me for more info so we can meet up!
Adult Homies who are POC?

T.B.D @bk_mp4
commented on
Adult Homies who are POC?
T.B.D @bk_mp4
I'm down. I'd love to meet more homies to hang with.
Adult Homies who are POC?

alienjax @alienjax
Adult Homies who are POC?
alienjax @alienjax
I'm Latina and love to see diversity at cons! Any other POC homies wanna hang out at Midwest? 18+ since my friend group are all adults as well.
What is everyone Cosplaying as at MidWest

alienjax @alienjax
commented on
What is everyone Cosplaying as at MidWest
alienjax @alienjax
I'll be going as Chompette, Nobara, and I'm still debating on reusing my Pitou (HxH) cosplay or my OG Chun Li cosplay!